Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Mindfulness and Meditation...Do They Really Work? healthy living meditation mindful movement morning practice phoenix rising yoga therapy resilience sleep stress-free Dec 05, 2021

Mindfulness and meditation are health buzzwords these days.  It seems like everyone, even those who aren't health practitioners, is touting the amazing effects of being mindful and practicing meditation.

But just because it’s popular doesn’t mean you should do it … or does...

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We try to stay healthy as we age - what goes wrong? healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free Nov 28, 2021

I’ve been writing for a while now about topics and ideas that I’m passionate about, and they all basically boil down to the health of our bodies and minds.

  • How can we be healthy despite our modern lifestyles?
  • How can we be resilient?
  • What can we do to “turn back the clock on...
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Will you eat your way through the stress of the holidays? healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation real food resilience stress-free sugarfree Nov 21, 2021

If you’ve done any shopping recently or strolled down the business district wherever you live, you know that the “holiday season” is upon us.  Stores are selling “must have” gifts and festive decor items, holiday music is playing, children are SO excited as they...

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Holiday Sweets and Treats Without the Sugar Overload! healthy eating healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Nov 14, 2021

It's that time of year!  Temperatures are dropping, snow is in the forecast, nights are getting longer, and the holiday season is almost here.  And while it can be a wonderful time of year with friends and family, social interaction (safely, of course) and lots of celebration, that also...

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Why we should all be lifting weights healthy living mindful movement resilience strength training Nov 06, 2021

Last week I headed back to the gym, for a CrossFit-style workout, for the first time in almost 2 years.

I loved it!  And wondered "What took me so long?"

While I have equipment and weights at home, I find that it’s not always easy to motivate myself, and let's face it - sometimes we...

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Get your winter sunshine -- Vitamin D, that is! healthy eating healthy living real food resilience stress-free Oct 31, 2021

Vitamin D is often called the Sunshine Vitamin

It plays many important roles in our bodies, and yet many of us have a chronic deficiency so that our health may be suffering.

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble steroids, stored in the liver and fatty tissues.  In humans, the most...

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Essential Foods for a Healthy Body healthy eating healthy living real food resilience sugarfree Oct 23, 2021

You’ve heard me say it many times:  Just Eat Real Food!

And while this is true at any age, it is especially true as we get older, and we begin to take more seriously the importance of protecting our health.  Usually this happens as we start to feel aches and pains, or perhaps...

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Processed Foods and Your Gut! healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience stress-free sugarfree Oct 17, 2021

It’s true: Your gut doesn’t love processed, convenient, fast foods

We know that processed foods, sometimes known as “junk,” “fast,” or “convenience” foods, are not exactly health foods. Consuming too much can increase your risks for cancer and heart...

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Now that Fall is upon us ... healthy eating healthy living meditation morning practice phoenix rising yoga therapy resilience stress-free Oct 17, 2021

It’s the week after Thanksgiving here in Canada, and Fall has definitely arrived.  The leaves are turning and the night-time temps are dipping down, flirting with the frost that will finish off the remaining summer plants and flowers.  Time to harvest the herbs still out on my...

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Announcing ~ Simple, Delicious, Healthy Dinner Series! healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Oct 17, 2021

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Culinary Nutrition Expert, I am on a mission to educate YOU about why it’s so important to ditch the foods that may be harming your body, such as processed sugar and carbs plus other inflammatory “food products”, because I know from...

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7 Strategies to Enhance Your Natural Immunity healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation morning practice phoenix rising yoga therapy real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Sep 26, 2021

Part A - But first of all - what is Immunity?

The human body is a marvellously complex, biochemical system that evolved over the past 200,000 years or so.  It is an organism that relies on homeostasis, which is a self-regulating process by which each of the biological systems maintain...

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Eat The Rainbow--of Veggies and Fruits That Is! healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Sep 19, 2021

From a young age we’ve been told “eat your veggies” and that’s even more important as we age.  Why is that?

Many of us are used to paying attention to the macro-nutrients we eat--protein, fat and carbs (especially the starchy ones)--but did you know that the...

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