Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Small Habits, Big Results! healthy eating healthy living meditation phoenix rising yoga therapy real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Sep 12, 2021

I’ve been writing for a few weeks now on some of the food and lifestyle habits and practices we can all follow to create a more resilient life - full of health, vitality, energy, adventure, connection -- all the things that can become more elusive as we age.

But how do we make those healthy...

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The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis: What you need to know for brain, gut and overall health healthy eating healthy living meditation morning practice phoenix rising yoga therapy real food resilience stress-free sugarfree Sep 05, 2021

Until recently, we didn’t know how much our gut and brain interacted. Some people thought that our brains (that tissue between our ears) controlled everything we did, consciously and subconsciously.

They were wrong!

Some of us have a sense that there is a connection between gut and brain...

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Fight the one-two punch of inflammation and aging - Inflammaging! healthy eating healthy living meditation morning practice real food resilience sleep sugarfree Aug 29, 2021

Imagine yourself 10 or 20 years from today. How do you feel? Is your life happier, healthier and more fulfilling than ever? What personal goals have you reached? How many lives have you touched? Perhaps you’ve been able to spend more time with friends and family? Maybe you’ve finally...

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Top Twenty Proven Sleep Strategies for Better Health and Resilience (Sleep, Part 2) healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation real food resilience sleep sugarfree Aug 22, 2021


Did you miss Part 1? Check it out here!


The one thing you may be missing in your daily routine for greater health and wellness is restful, restorative, resilient SLEEP!

More and more research shows that sleep is the one thing that can help you feel better, get better, and stay...

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Want to be More Resilient? Sleep, Sleep, Sleep! (Sleep, Part 1) healthy living resilience sleep Aug 15, 2021

What if there was one single thing you can do that will help you:

  • Improve performance and productivity
  • Boost concentration and memory
  • Lift your moods and mental health
  • Get over infections more quickly
  • Decrease road accidents and conflict
  • Feel more energized and ready for anything

Would you...

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Blood Sugar Creeping Up? Get It Under Control by Doing These! healthy eating real food resilience sugarfree Aug 15, 2021

Blood sugar is literally that: the sugar in your blood. Your blood contains all kinds of important nutrients and other substances that we need to be healthy. Including sugar. Blood is the liquid transporter that distributes these compounds to all parts of our bodies - a critical task!

Sugar (a...

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Chronic Stress - Is this the New Normal? meditation morning practice phoenix rising yoga therapy real food resilience sugarfree Aug 01, 2021

STRESS. You can’t avoid it these days - it literally surrounds us in everyday life and virtually no one is immune to it. However, a little bit of stress is actually a good thing!  It keeps us, and our neurological systems, on our toes. 

And the Buddha believed that being stressed,...

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Introducing Radical Resilience! healthy eating meditation morning practice real food resilience sugarfree Jul 18, 2021

~ A weekly natural health and wellness blog of powerful habits, practices and ways of being that will strengthen your body, mind & spirit to take control and create resilience!

As we age, we may be finding that we, and our friends and family, are being affected by debilitating conditions like...

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Eat Real Food, Feel Better Now! healthy eating healthy recipes real food sugarfree May 23, 2021

Eat Real Food, Feel Better Now!

If you’re struggling with lack of energy, stress or poor sleep; if you’re too tired to work out or feeling uncomfortable in your body, then a major first step may be to clean up your diet!

These few simple steps will big a big difference in a short...

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7 Ways to Set Up Your Day With a Great Morning Practice! healthy eating healthy recipes meditation morning practice real food resilience Jan 26, 2021

No-one really likes to drag themselves out of bed and straight to the coffee machine to wake themselves up for their day, but that’s what many of us need to do to get going in the morning.

Rather than coffee or other stimulants, why not begin with some cleansing thoughts and habits that...

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