Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Do you have a Dinacharya? ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free Nov 19, 2022

HINT - it’s your Optimal Daily Routine!

As a followup to The Rhythms of Nature (click to read last week's blog) let’s look at what this means for our daily routines.  How can we design them with purpose, to promote health and reduce anything that may be...

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Living According to the Universal Rhythms of Nature ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement morning practice sleep stress-free Nov 13, 2022

Whether we pay attention to it or not, every cell and organ system in our body is synchronized with the universal rhythms of nature. All layers of our being!  Although our senses lead us to perceive that we are separate from the world around us, we are constantly exchanging energy and...

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Pay attention! Eating with Mindfulness ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience stress-free sugarfree Nov 06, 2022

If you missed the beginning of the series, I’ve been writing about Ayurveda, the 5000-year-old, time-tested system of health and healing.

Last week I talked about Eating to Balance your Doshas:

Or click on the Ayurveda tag to...

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Eating to Balance your Dosha ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Oct 28, 2022

If you've been following along the last few weeks, I’ve been writing about Ayurveda, the 5000-year-old, time-tested system of health and healing.

If you missed taking the Dosha test, be sure to check it out here:

And read more about it here: ...

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Agni (Your Digestive Fire) and the Six Tastes! ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy recipes real food sugarfree Oct 23, 2022

We all know by now that our health depends on proper digestion.  Whatever we eat needs to be ingested, digested and absorbed through the lining of the digestive tract into the bloodstream, to be delivered wherever the body needs it.  

And it turns out nutrition is not limited just...

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What’s Your Dosha? ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food stress-free sugarfree Oct 16, 2022

It’s no secret – we are not all created equally!

And by that I mean that everyone is different – both physically (height, size, hair, skin and eye colour, etc) and certainly all of the aspects of our personalities.

And while many of these various traits sometimes “run in...

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Why I’m In Love With Ayurveda! ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep strength training stress-free Oct 09, 2022

You may recall that I wrote back in the summer about a course I was taking through to become a Certified Chopra Health (Ayurveda) Teacher.  I’m very pleased to announce that I have now completed the program, and I am ready to share what I have learned with all of you!


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9 strategies to finally outsmart food cravings brain health healthy eating healthy living meditation real food resilience sleep sugarfree Oct 02, 2022

 Last week I wrote about Food Cravings, explaining what they really are and why you shouldn't feel like you just lack willpower!  

Food cravings are natural, we all have them, and they’re not a character flaw!

If you need to, go ahead and reread this article to learn why...

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Food Cravings - it’s not your fault! brain health healthy eating healthy living real food resilience sugarfree Sep 25, 2022

We’ve all been there. Standing in front of the fridge, shoving the baby carrots aside, and reaching for the pie instead. You’ve heard if you’re really hungry you’ll eat those carrots—or an apple—but the pull that apple pie has on you . . .? It’s hard...

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New Study: Happiness Recipe = Fruits/Vegetables + Sports brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes mindful movement real food resilience stress-free sugarfree Sep 18, 2022

Some good news about strategies to counteract the stress from 21st century living!

Do you want to feel happier? Can you?

New research from the UK shows that you most certainly can with the age-old advice to “eat your vegetables” (and fruit), and “play sports.”


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Eating fresh nutrient-rich foods is linked to better mental health brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Sep 10, 2022

Processed foods are linked to symptoms of anxiety and depression

It’s no secret that mental and emotional health have taken a bit of a dive lately. A new study links eating more fresh and nutritious foods to better moods. Win-win!

A nutrient-dense diet full of fresh foods is good for your...

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New research shows daily lifestyle habits boost your brain brain health healthy living meditation mindful movement resilience sleep strength training stress-free Sep 04, 2022

Another reason to meditate, workout, and sleep!

If your brain feels like it needs a bit more incentive to focus its attention on important tasks, these three healthy lifestyle habits can help.

Do you feel like you’re more distracted or less productive these days? Does it seem as though your...

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