Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Six Principles of Health and Longevity ayurveda brain health environment healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food sleep strength training stress-free sugarfree Jun 09, 2024

While many of us may make New Year’s Resolutions, most people find it hard to follow them for any length of time.

One reason may be other distractions that are going on at that time of year such as post holiday parties and winter sports.

A better time is any time of year when you feel...

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Is It Time for a Natural Detox? ayurveda environment healthy eating healthy living immunity meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free Mar 31, 2024

Even though the temps here in southern Ontario are still chilly, the snow is mostly gone, the robins are out and about, and there is a sense of spring in the air!

And with the change in seasons from winter to spring, it can be a time to consider a spring cleanse to rid ourselves of the vestiges...

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March is Mindful Movement Month! ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation mindful movement morning practice strength training stress-free Mar 01, 2024

We all know that regular exercise is essential for physical health and psychological well-being. 

However, what we are seeing is that there is a growing epidemic of obesity and poor health in the West, and it is now affecting more and more children. 

Humans are more...

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Regulate Your Vagus Nerve, part 3 ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice stress-free Feb 24, 2024

Did you miss Part 2?  Check it out HERE.



Meditation is a journey from activity to silence. It is a technique that allows you to settle into quieter and quieter levels of awareness until you experience the pure silence within.   In the process of going...

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Regulate Your Vagus Nerve to Reduce Stress! Part 2 ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice stress-free Feb 17, 2024

Did you miss Part 1 last week?  Check it out HERE.


PART 2:  Reversing the stress response 

When you experience stressful thoughts, your body triggers the sympathetic branch of the nervous system to activates the fight-flight-freeze response, giving you a burst of energy to...

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What matters are the actions we take brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes immunity meditation real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Jan 13, 2024

Goals, intentions and resolutions are great – but we need to take action!

So, did you make any New Year's Resolutions this year? 

Are they going well, or have you left them behind already?

No worries  let's try to understand why that can happen, and how we can refocus and make...

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Top 10 Tips to Survive the Holidays healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food sleep stress-free Dec 06, 2023

Food and social get-togethers play a major role in celebrating the holidays. 

It’s wonderful to “break bread” with those near and dear, but that celebratory environment can also create challenges if you are in the process of changing your relationship with food (and perhaps...

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What’s Your Next Step to Improve Your Sleep? healthy eating meditation mindful movement morning practice real food sleep stress-free Dec 01, 2023

Alright, time to put the last few weeks into practice – if you haven’t already!

You might want to take another look at the Sleep Quiz to decide where you want to place your attention first.  (Here’s the link.)

Here are the 5 steps once more:

1.  Follow your...

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Wake Up! And Move Your Body! ayurveda brain health environment healthy living immunity meditation mindful movement morning practice sleep strength training Nov 12, 2023

By now I hope you're starting to piece together a daily routine that will support you in getting a great night’s sleep!  And hopefully you’re realizing that there are a lot of small habits we can employ when we’re awake to maximize the benefits of the time when we’re...

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The Secret to Managing Stress and Getting Better Sleep ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice resilience sleep stress-free Oct 29, 2023

I’m sure we all have our go-to strategies for managing stress—whether or not we actually do them is another story!

Why is that?  Perhaps it’s because in our overly-scheduled lives there just isn’t any time.  Or we’re used to putting everyone else’s needs first.

Many people talk...

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So How Can I Fix My Sleep? ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation resilience sleep stress-free Oct 22, 2023

Today we’re going to begin looking at how we can all improve our sleep!

If you missed last week’s blog where I offered the short SLEEP SCORE quiz, for you to find out your Sleep Score, be sure to catch it HERE.

As you may have figured out, some of the questions give clues to the...

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Is September the Real New Year? brain health environment healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free Sep 01, 2023

Can you believe it’s September?

Now that mornings are cooler and the days are getting shorter, we can tell that fall will be here soon.

And even though I’m not heading back to the classroom after Labour Day (yay!), this time of year always feels like the New Year.

Not that I’m...

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