Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Six Principles of Health and Longevity ayurveda brain health environment healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food sleep strength training stress-free sugarfree Jun 09, 2024

While many of us may make New Year’s Resolutions, most people find it hard to follow them for any length of time.

One reason may be other distractions that are going on at that time of year such as post holiday parties and winter sports.

A better time is any time of year when you feel...

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Watch the Carbs, Don't Fear the Fat! brain health healthy eating healthy living real food sugarfree May 26, 2024

When you ask people what their favourite source of energy is, they will likely name some kind of carbohydrate.  This could be bread, pasta, potatoes, a grain such as rice or quinoa, or even a chocolate bar!  No matter what form they come in, they will all be metabolized in your body...

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What the Heck is Methylation? brain health healthy eating healthy living stress-free May 18, 2024

Methylation, Homocysteine and B vitamins 

Unless you studied cell biology recently, you may not have heard of Methylation–I know I hadn’t until I studied to become a holistic nutritionist.  In fact, it wasn’t a part of the curriculum back when most of us were in...

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May is Save Your Mind Month! brain health environment healthy eating healthy living real food resilience May 05, 2024

Love your brain, and save your mind!

I’ve written quite a bit before on the importance of developing habits to maintain and support a healthy brain.

Concerns about dementia and cognitive health continue to be high on the list of concerns for older adults.

This coincides with an interest in...

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Detoxing from EMF Exposure brain health environment healthy eating healthy living immunity real food sleep Apr 28, 2024

We’re all pretty aware of the risks of exposure to toxins in the air we breathe and water we drink, as well as the hormones, antibiotics and pesticides commonly found in our food.

But what many of us pay less attention to is the risk of exposure to EMFs.

What are EMFs?


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Today is Earth Day - why does it matter? environment healthy living resilience Apr 22, 2024

The first Earth Day in 1970 mobilised millions of people from all walks of life to birth the modern environmental movement. 

Since then, Earth Day has evolved into the largest civic event on Earth, activating billions across 192 countries to safeguard our planet and fight for a brighter...

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What’s All the Buzz About Intermittent Fasting? ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living real food sugarfree Apr 14, 2024


You may be thinking that this is just one of the latest fads and health crazes, soon to fade from interest.  But in fact it’s not new at all.

Remember being a kid, when you typically ate 3 meals a day–breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with no snacks.

If breakfast was at 8:00am...

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It's Time for a Spring Cleanse! brain health healthy eating healthy living real food sugarfree Apr 06, 2024

As I discussed last week, our bodies have natural, innate processes that help to manage any toxicity that may have entered your body from the environment or what you eat and drink.  But if the toxic load is too much, we need to take additional steps, such as removing some of...

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Is It Time for a Natural Detox? ayurveda environment healthy eating healthy living immunity meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free Mar 31, 2024

Even though the temps here in southern Ontario are still chilly, the snow is mostly gone, the robins are out and about, and there is a sense of spring in the air!

And with the change in seasons from winter to spring, it can be a time to consider a spring cleanse to rid ourselves of the vestiges...

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What is Mobility and Why is it so important? brain health healthy living mindful movement morning practice strength training stress-free Mar 24, 2024

Mobility is the ability to move freely.  It involves the joints and their movement in relation to their full range of motion. Simply put, your mobility determines how easily and efficiently you can move.

If an injury causes you to lose mobility in any of your joints, that means you...

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5 Reasons to Keep Moving! brain health healthy living immunity mindful movement morning practice resilience sleep strength training stress-free Mar 15, 2024

As seen last week, aerobic (endurance) exercises, like walking and cycling, enhance heart and lung function, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help shed those extra pounds.  But it also supports muscular health: researchers have found that it significantly reduced their risk of...

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Get ready to transform your approach to health and fitness! brain health healthy living mindful movement morning practice strength training stress-free Mar 08, 2024

Are you ready to take your well-being to new heights?

As you know, the Big Four daily actions are nutrition, sleep, stress management and exercise.

And exercise involves fine-tuning the right combination of the different forms of movement for your body.

Together, we'll explore the...

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