Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Key Elements For Healthy Immunity, part 2 ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep strength training stress-free Mar 04, 2023

Last week I talked about the Immune System – since many people seem to be suffering right now from a nasty cold and flu bug making the rounds! – and how important it is to understand and support both the body’s natural Inflammatory process as well as Gut Health.

And of course...

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Key Elements For Healthy Immunity, part 1 ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living real food resilience sugarfree Mar 04, 2023

Did you miss me last week?  In early February I took a ski trip out to British Columbia–and we had a great time with beautiful snow and lovely views of the mountains–one of my happiest places.  But living more closely to a number of people than I’m used to, I came down...

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More Foods to Help Heal Your Leaky Gut healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Feb 12, 2023

Now that you're familiar with the concept of Leaky Gut, as well as using fermented foods to help heal and seal up any gaps in your intestinal wall, here are some more delicious strategies that you can try!

Prebiotic Foods: Feed Residential Bacteria

Grains, legumes, lentils, tubers such as...

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Leaky Gut? Now What? healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Feb 05, 2023

Last week I asked you to consider How Can My Gut Be Leaking?!? 

Here’s some more info on what Leaky Gut is and a delicious way to begin to heal and feel better.

What is Leaky Gut?

The key to understanding what is meant by “leaky gut” requires some knowledge...

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How Can My Gut Be Leaking?!? healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food stress-free sugarfree Jan 28, 2023

There’s A LOT of talk in the health world about gut health these days. 

You’ve probably even heard that the key to reversing a whole host of health issues, ranging from skin issues to serious autoimmune conditions, starts with healing your so-called leaky gut.

After all,...

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How Healthy Is Your Gut? brain health healthy eating healthy living mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Jan 22, 2023

Would it surprise you to know that you have more bacteria in your body than human cells?

Estimates give the number as between 1.3 to 10 times more bacteria.  Having a range like that may seem confusing, but that is just the way it is. We are in the frontier days when it comes to knowledge...

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Reimagining your Identity healthy living meditation morning practice stress-free Jan 15, 2023

If you’re trying to make changes to any of your habits, and finding it difficult, could this be why?

For many of us in North America, at least while we’re still working, we identify ourselves according to our career role: “I’m a teacher.” “I’m an...

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What’s Your WHY? healthy living meditation morning practice resilience Jan 08, 2023

First of all, belated Happy New Year to you all!  I’m still finding it hard to believe that we are in 2023.  And with the New Year comes the usual (if brief) focus on New Year’s Resolutions, but more on that in a minute.

I had planned to get back to you a week ago, after...

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Top 3 Ayurvedic Self Care Tips for the Holidays ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation morning practice real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Dec 18, 2022

This brings the Ayurveda series to a close (and blogs for 2022, as I’m taking next week off) with my Top 3 Ayurvedic Self Care Tips for the Holidays.  They will help you reduce the stress of modern life, and especially the holiday season upon us.  These likely won’t be...

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Why Meditation is the Keystone Practice ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice resilience sleep stress-free Dec 10, 2022

Continuing the Ayurveda series, for the next couple of weeks I’m going to share with you ayurvedic practices that will help you reduce the stress of modern life, and especially the holiday season upon us.  These likely won’t be completely new to you, you may already be a...

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Reducing Stress with Pranayama - a.k.a. Breathwork! ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice resilience stress-free Dec 04, 2022

Continuing the Ayurveda series, for the next couple of weeks I’m going to share with you ayurvedic practices that will help you reduce the stress of modern life, and especially the holiday season upon us.  These likely won’t be completely new to you, you may already be a...

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What's Your Daytime Dinacharya? ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation mindful movement morning practice real food resilience sleep strength training stress-free Nov 26, 2022

Last week I introduced you to your Dinacharya, a.k.a. your optimal daily routine.  The idea is to align your habits and practices to the Rhythms of Nature, as this will promote health and help reduce what may be harmful.

And as I said last week, most lists of daily habits start with the...

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