Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Get ready to transform your approach to health and fitness! brain health healthy living mindful movement morning practice strength training stress-free Mar 08, 2024

Are you ready to take your well-being to new heights?

As you know, the Big Four daily actions are nutrition, sleep, stress management and exercise.

And exercise involves fine-tuning the right combination of the different forms of movement for your body.

Together, we'll explore the...

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March is Mindful Movement Month! ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation mindful movement morning practice strength training stress-free Mar 01, 2024

We all know that regular exercise is essential for physical health and psychological well-being. 

However, what we are seeing is that there is a growing epidemic of obesity and poor health in the West, and it is now affecting more and more children. 

Humans are more...

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Regulate Your Vagus Nerve, part 3 ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice stress-free Feb 24, 2024

Did you miss Part 2?  Check it out HERE.



Meditation is a journey from activity to silence. It is a technique that allows you to settle into quieter and quieter levels of awareness until you experience the pure silence within.   In the process of going...

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Regulate Your Vagus Nerve to Reduce Stress! Part 2 ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice stress-free Feb 17, 2024

Did you miss Part 1 last week?  Check it out HERE.


PART 2:  Reversing the stress response 

When you experience stressful thoughts, your body triggers the sympathetic branch of the nervous system to activates the fight-flight-freeze response, giving you a burst of energy to...

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Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve to Reduce Stress! brain health healthy eating healthy living immunity morning practice resilience stress-free Feb 11, 2024

What is the Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is a vital communication line in your body, connecting your brain to many important organs like the heart, lungs, stomach, and intestines. It's like a control centre that helps regulate various automatic functions you don't consciously think about, such as...

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Demystifying Stress and Adrenal Fatigue brain health environment healthy living resilience stress-free Feb 04, 2024

 Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and we all experience it at some point. 

In today's fast-paced world, we often juggle multiple responsibilities and handle demanding schedules. 

Stress affects us mentally and physically, but its impact on our health is often...

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How Important is Water? It's Your Body's Lifeline! brain health healthy living immunity resilience sleep sugarfree Jan 28, 2024

Water is more than just a thirst quencher. 

It's a fundamental building block of life. 

Your body relies on it for numerous vital functions. Imagine this: the average man is about 60% water, women are around 50%, and your brain is a whopping 75% water. 

It's no exaggeration to say...

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Why One-Size-Fits-All Food Plans May Not Work for You! brain health healthy eating healthy living immunity real food resilience sleep sugarfree Jan 21, 2024

Our theme this month is “Just Eat Real Food!”  

And by that we mean food in as natural a state as possible (OK, you’re allowed to cook it!) and avoiding sugar and other processed foods.

But beyond that, what should you eat? And why is it so complicated?

Getting lost in...

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What matters are the actions we take brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes immunity meditation real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Jan 13, 2024

Goals, intentions and resolutions are great – but we need to take action!

So, did you make any New Year's Resolutions this year? 

Are they going well, or have you left them behind already?

No worries  let's try to understand why that can happen, and how we can refocus and make...

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It’s a new year and I’m changing things up! brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Jan 13, 2024
I’ve written a lot about change, and how we need to change in order to grow and prosper as humans.  As my mom used to say “If we rest, we rust.”  This is true for both our mind, body and also our spirit!
I’ve been able to take a few days out...
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Top 3 health and wellness books for your stocking this season brain health environment healthy eating healthy living immunity mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Dec 15, 2023

One of my favourite leisure activities is reading books or listening to podcasts about health and wellness topics.  In fact one way I manage those longer books full of scientific discoveries is to listen to them on Audible!  When in the car or out for a walk, they are the perfect...

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Top 10 Tips to Survive the Holidays healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food sleep stress-free Dec 06, 2023

Food and social get-togethers play a major role in celebrating the holidays. 

It’s wonderful to “break bread” with those near and dear, but that celebratory environment can also create challenges if you are in the process of changing your relationship with food (and perhaps...

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