It’s a new year and I’m changing things up!

brain health healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes real food resilience sugarfree Jan 13, 2024
I’ve written a lot about change, and how we need to change in order to grow and prosper as humans.  As my mom used to say “If we rest, we rust.”  This is true for both our mind, body and also our spirit!
I’ve been able to take a few days out of my regular routine for the holidays as well as the unfortunately, marginal ski conditions.  And this has given me a chance to reflect on both a personal basis, and also how I show up in the world.
Some of the questions I've pondered :
  • What habits, things, activities, etc. are currently still in my life that no longer serve, and need to be released?
  • What do I want to create in my life moving forward?
  • How can I increase my health and happiness?
  • What do I need to change in my life to move toward what I want in life?
  • How can I take responsibility to take the actions needed to make all of this happen?
  • And ultimately what is my purpose in life and how can I serve others?

And while I may not answer all of these questions for you right now (some of them are personal!), some of what is bubbling up will show up in what I offer to you this coming year.

How I’m going to change things up!

One of my goals has a educator who has learned a lot about the nutrition and lifestyle practices that create wellness and longevity is to share my knowledge with you, and this has led to my weekly blogs, recipes, and newsletters.
It’s now been over two years, and 100+ blogs and newsletters, since I committed to weekly communication with you!
BTW, if you think you missed anything, or if you wonder if I’ve written about a particular topic, then go to the BLOG on my website and click on the TAG that you’re interested in (you'll find the tags in the right hand column).
Moving forward, I’m going to highlight what I consider to be the latest news, research, articles, podcasts, and yes, even shows, that I think are worth paying attention to.
And don’t worry there will also be some recipes, as part of the Monday newsletter!
Plus, I’d like to suggest a focus for each month, a challenge if you will, where we look at what are some of the habits we might consider incorporating into our lives (if they’re not there already). These monthly challenges will follow what I’ve identified in the past as the Six Pillars of Health and Longevity. (Click HERE for more)
And no surprise the first one is “Just Eat Real Food!”
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Home Practice: the 30-second Awareness Break

And so if you want to experience just a small sample of what I’ve been noticing, try this:
  • Read through those questions again and pick one that resonates with you, one that you’d like to explore.
  • Find a comfortable seat and close your eyes.
  • Take a few slow, deep breaths.
  • Let the words of that question float through your awareness.
  • And notice what, if anything, arises.

And whatever it is that may show up, try to simply be with it, without any judgment or expectations!

For more info on this and other natural health topics:

Submit your questions here!

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