Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Top 3 health and wellness books for your stocking this season brain health environment healthy eating healthy living immunity mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Dec 15, 2023

One of my favourite leisure activities is reading books or listening to podcasts about health and wellness topics.  In fact one way I manage those longer books full of scientific discoveries is to listen to them on Audible!  When in the car or out for a walk, they are the perfect...

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Top 10 Tips to Survive the Holidays healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food sleep stress-free Dec 06, 2023

Food and social get-togethers play a major role in celebrating the holidays. 

It’s wonderful to “break bread” with those near and dear, but that celebratory environment can also create challenges if you are in the process of changing your relationship with food (and perhaps...

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What’s Your Next Step to Improve Your Sleep? healthy eating meditation mindful movement morning practice real food sleep stress-free Dec 01, 2023

Alright, time to put the last few weeks into practice – if you haven’t already!

You might want to take another look at the Sleep Quiz to decide where you want to place your attention first.  (Here’s the link.)

Here are the 5 steps once more:

1.  Follow your...

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Top 3 Sleep Supplements healthy living resilience sleep stress-free Nov 26, 2023

Might supplements be an answer for poor sleep?

So far we’ve looked at the 5 different lifestyle strategies for Fixing Your Sleep.

(Click HERE for links to all 5.)

Bonus!  Here’s another strategy that may help – supplements.

Too stressed out to sleep?

There are many...

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How to Benefit from the Switch to Standard Time ayurveda brain health healthy living resilience sleep stress-free Nov 05, 2023

Have you heard that it’s healthier to “get to bed early?”

Have you tried to do this, but your mind is just not ready?

Have you gotten into the habit of being online or watching TV later into the evening?

We all know that restful sleep provides the foundation for our mental and...

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The Secret to Managing Stress and Getting Better Sleep ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation morning practice resilience sleep stress-free Oct 29, 2023

I’m sure we all have our go-to strategies for managing stress—whether or not we actually do them is another story!

Why is that?  Perhaps it’s because in our overly-scheduled lives there just isn’t any time.  Or we’re used to putting everyone else’s needs first.

Many people talk...

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So How Can I Fix My Sleep? ayurveda brain health healthy living meditation resilience sleep stress-free Oct 22, 2023

Today we’re going to begin looking at how we can all improve our sleep!

If you missed last week’s blog where I offered the short SLEEP SCORE quiz, for you to find out your Sleep Score, be sure to catch it HERE.

As you may have figured out, some of the questions give clues to the...

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What’s Your Sleep Score? ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living immunity real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Oct 12, 2023

This fall I’ve been taking a deep dive into the Six Pillars of Health and Longevity, starting with “Just Eat Real Food!” (Get links to all the posts HERE.)   

And now we're going to look into the next pillar, Sleep!

So how is your sleep?


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Is September the Real New Year? brain health environment healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free Sep 01, 2023

Can you believe it’s September?

Now that mornings are cooler and the days are getting shorter, we can tell that fall will be here soon.

And even though I’m not heading back to the classroom after Labour Day (yay!), this time of year always feels like the New Year.

Not that I’m...

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So is coffee healthy or not? brain health healthy eating healthy recipes resilience stress-free sugarfree May 20, 2023

I love the smell of freshly ground coffee! 

Although I know not everyone does.

Do you have a morning coffee habit? One that actually continues on later into the afternoon?

Maybe you’ve heard so many conflicting reports, you’re not sure if it’s really a healthy habit or not....

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Stress-Busting For Better Immunity brain health healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement resilience sleep stress-free Mar 12, 2023

Stress.  It’s one of the biggest factors linked to an immune system that’s out of balance. 

If you’re experiencing a lot of stress, you may be experiencing a lot of physical symptoms like muscle aches, joint pain, headaches and mind-numbing fatigue.

All of these...

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Key Elements For Healthy Immunity, part 2 ayurveda brain health healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep strength training stress-free Mar 04, 2023

Last week I talked about the Immune System – since many people seem to be suffering right now from a nasty cold and flu bug making the rounds! – and how important it is to understand and support both the body’s natural Inflammatory process as well as Gut Health.

And of course...

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