~ Simple, Balanced Real Foods Nutrition that will have you leaving your sugar cravings behind!

Did you know that many of the "Conditions of Aging" -- aching joints, fatigue, brain fog, sleep disorders, and yes even chronic diseases -- can be linked to overconsumption of sugar and processed foods?  

It's time to Get the Sugar Out!

Experience delicious recipes PLUS an understanding of the science of nutrition, that only a master teacher with training in holistic nutrition can offer.

Your body will thank you.

"Cook LIVE with me ...

and dinner will be ready!"

Get the details!

Ask yourself: Is this food Healthy and Healing for my body, or is it Harmful?

If you have blood sugar imbalances, sugar cravings or any of the "Conditions of Aging" like aching joints, fatigue, brain fog, sleep disorders, and yes even chronic diseases, it is best to avoid anything that will spike your blood sugar, and focus instead on healing foods that will help balance it.

This means becoming a savvy shopper, reading labels of any packaged food you buy, and avoiding anything that is highly refined as well as anything with too much added sugar.

Remember, sugar in its various forms is often added to: cereals, cookies, cakes, muffins, bread, crackers, chips, granola bars, condiments like ketchup, salad dressing and sports drinks.

And it is highly concentrated in refined grain products like white bread and white rice, breaking down quickly into simple sugars.

And yes, we can replace refined foods with Healthy, Healing alternatives!

Why Cook With Me?

The Sugar-Free Kitchen Culinary Nutrition Programs and Workshops are designed to teach the power of eating a whole foods diet, with particular attention paid to including foods that may heal, and avoiding foods that harm.

And the biggest offender is sugar! 

Did you know that there are over 60 different names for sugar?  And this allows the processed food industry to "hide" the total sugar content from you - until you learn how to read labels and recognize what is healthy for your body and what is not. 

All programs and workshops are based on the principle that eating whole, high quality, fresh and nutrient-dense Real Food will go a long way to alleviating many of the symptoms of today’s chronic ailments.  And with enough healthy ingredients, your body will learn to let go of cravings for foods that are harmful.

Increase your nutrition knowledge and your recipe repertoire to plan and create healthy, nutritious and delicious meals at home!

7 Days to Get the Sugar Out!

A Culinary Nutrition Program 

~ features the top 7 Cravings-Busting Strategies


Whether you have sugar or carb cravings, are unhappy with how you feel, or suspect that when you feel poorly it may be related to what you’ve been eating, this Culinary Nutrition Program will change your approach to food selection, meal planning and recipe preparation, show you how to reduce sugar cravings by eliminating The Gruesome Twosome, and have you feeling younger than ever!

“What we put into our bodies can impact our mood, our energy, and our physical health. By becoming more mindful and intentional about what we eat, when we eat, and why we eat, we can create balance and harmony both physically and emotionally.” ~ Dr. Mark Hyman


Key Takeaways:

  1. Learn how and why you should avoid the Gruesome Twosome: Sugar and Processed Carbs, which can cause blood sugar fluctuations, irritate the gut, set up an autoimmune/inflammatory response in the body and lead to many symptoms of today’s chronic ailments.
  2. Learn to plan, select, prepare and eat delicious whole, high quality, fresh and nutrient-dense Real Food that will increase your energy, sharpen your memory and have you feeling younger.
  3. Make all your meals Plant-Rich - Emphasize a variety of veggies as the main feature at each meal – then add clean proteins (your choice of vegetarian or meat/fish/poultry), healthy fats and fruits, as “condiments” to your veggies. Think protein, fat and fibre at every meal and snack, as this will balance blood sugar and help reduce cravings. Healthy options: Plant Rich Vegan/Vegetarian, Plant-Rich Mediterranean, Plant-Rich Paleo.
  4. Includes four 7-day meal plans (2 x Mediterranean, 1 Vegetarian, 1 Paleo) with recipes and shopping guide. 7 days of support -- healthy tips to bust through your cravings!  And a supportive community.




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