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Serenity Studio

Hi there!

I’m Peg, a Certified Yoga Therapist, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and a certified Chopra Health (Ayurveda) Teacher. 

I have been teaching, coaching, mentoring, counselling and facilitating growth and change in others since I taught my first Learn-to-Swim class at the age of 17.  

From that point on I knew I was meant to be a teacher—and over the years I have been drawn to teaching and training people in what I am passionate about!

Learn More About Me

Education ... Coaching ... Empowerment

enabling you to make the food and lifestyle choices that will enable you to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

Sleep School

Deep sleep is essential for rest and repair.

And don't forget the impact lack of sleep can have on mood, memory and decision-making skills.

So what's your Sleep Score?

Find Out HERE

6 Principles of Health and Longevity

Focusing on just one of these Health Principles to start with will help you learn how to defy your age, tap into great energy, improve your memory, get better sleep and create an active lifestyle!

Learn more HERE

The Sugar-Free Kitchen!

Choose healthy and healing Real Foods, and let go of what might be harmful to you, to create an environment in your mind and body that supports your health and resilience.

Learn more HERE



Get your FREE "Love Your Brain" Gifts!

As we enter and enjoy the Wisdom Years, and as we feel our bodies and minds starting to exhibit some of the worrisome characteristics of aging, we may want to pay more attention to ways we can stop this downhill slide!

And one of the Key Principles to putting on the brakes on this slide is to Eat Natural, Whole, Real Foods that are rich in the many nutrients that will help our minds and bodies stay healthy — and in some cases even turn back the clock!!

Sign up HERE and get:

  • Top 10 BRAIN FOODS (+ a Bonus Treat!) to save and protect your brain.

  • A day's worth of Brain Healthy Recipes to super-power your brain and put this knowledge into action!

And this will subscribe you to my email list to get even more awesomeness - you can unsubscribe at any time, no questions asked.


Welcome to the Sugar Free Kitchen!

Offering Culinary Nutrition Workshops and Programs

~ Simple, Balanced Real Foods Nutrition

The Culinary Nutrition Workshops are designed to teach the power of eating a whole foods diet, with particular attention paid to avoiding foods that harm, and including foods that may heal.

Increase your nutrition knowledge to plan and create nutritious and delicious meals at home!

Cook LIVE with me ... and dinner will be ready!

The workshops are based on the principle that eating whole, high quality, fresh and nutrient-dense Real Food will go a long way to alleviating many of the symptoms of today’s chronic ailments.

The workshops will demonstrate meal planning and food prep using a selection of recipes, with both vegetarian and meat-based options available.  

Recipes and shopping lists will be provided ahead of time so you can cook along with me in your own kitchen!

Start today! with 7 Days to Get the Sugar Out!



A 6-week Group Program

21st Century Nutrition & Lifestyle Science meets Ancient Ayurveda

Save your Brain

Without Losing your Mind!


CLICK HERE to learn more and join the waitlist



Learn and practise how to “Love Your Brain!” by following these 6 Principles:

  • Be physically and mentally active–take your body and brain to the gym!
  • Eat a nutritionally rich diet to maintain a healthy weight and manage blood sugar
  • Sleep and Restore!
  • Manage stress
  • Stay connected to family, friends and community 
  • Detox your environment both inside and out

Use tested strategies to form healthy habits:

  • Connect and listen to your Inner Wisdom
  • Discover your "Why"
  • Discover and align your actions with your mind-body type (your dosha!)
  • Start small, with what resonates, and build your healthy and sustainable lifestyle  (although sometimes big changes can happen all at once!)


Don't wait another day to LOVE YOUR BRAIN!

 Get on the wait list for the next time "Love Your Brain!" is offered!


CLICK HERE to learn more and join the waitlist

Not sure where to start?


Send me your  questions and we will go from there!  

Click here to send a message